Who can I Talk with about getting an abortion

Abortion is not always an easy decision. There can be so many things driving you in different directions but you have to make a choice. 

You have to think about many things like education, finances, health, beliefs, family, overall impact on your future before making your decision. Many people may have more life experiences than you but it is only you who can actually live your life.

Have a support system

It is natural that you will feel a need to talk to someone. It is important that you share your decision with supportive and non-judgemental people. Someone in your friends and family who understands you.

 Surround yourself with people who love you and won’t judge you or hate you if they don’t look at things the same way.

 You can also talk about your decision to your partner. You are likely to agree and in the case where your views differ, it’s still your decision to make. You can try and explain your point of view and ask them to be supportive.


Expert advice

  • You should talk to a medical practitioner about your decision and options. It will give you an idea about what is best for you, considering your medical history and time in your gestation.

  • If you are less than 8 weeks pregnant you can buy abortion pills to do your medication abortion at home. For pregnancies longer than that it may not be an option.

  • You can also ask for counsel from a family planning clinic or a doctor, specialized in abortion.

  • You can also talk to customer support at Safeabortionpillrx if u you need any information about abortion pill cost, side effects precautions, etc.

Things you should avoid

  • You must always avoid people who have strong anti-abortion beliefs so they could not pressurize you.

  • Also, avoid clinics that declare to be providing family planning counsel but are motivated to shame and manipulate you to change your decision of abortion.


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